Download FM WhatsApp for PC, the latest version for all Windows (7/8/8.1/10/11)

If you’re looking to use FM WhatsApp on your laptop or desktop, you’re in the right place. This guide will walk you through the steps to download and install FM WhatsApp on your PC, covering all Windows operating systems, including Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10, and 11.

Download FM WhatsApp for PC, the latest version for all Windows (7/8/8.1/10/11)

What is FM WhatsApp?

FM WhatsApp is a modified version of the popular WhatsApp messenger, offering features not available in the standard version. These include the ability to run multiple WhatsApp accounts, send large video files, and use a variety of emojis. While FM WhatsApp is primarily an Android app, it can be used on a PC with the help of an Android emulator.

Why Use FM WhatsApp on PC?

Using FM WhatsApp on your PC offers several benefits:

  • Multitasking: Easily manage conversations and work simultaneously.
  • Large Screen: Enjoy a better viewing experience for videos and images.
  • Efficient Typing: Type messages faster and more comfortably with a keyboard.
  • Enhanced Features: Take advantage of FM WhatsApp’s unique features on a bigger screen.

How to Download and Install FM WhatsApp on a PC

Download an Android Emulator:

We recommend using Bluestacks, a reliable and efficient emulator. Download the latest version from the official Bluestacks website.

Install the Emulator:

Once downloaded, open the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to install Bluestacks on your PC.

Download FM WhatsApp APK:

Download the latest version of FM WhatsApp APK from a trusted source. Ensure it’s the most recent version to avoid compatibility issues.

Install FM WhatsApp on the Emulator:

  • Open Bluestacks and use the file explorer to locate the downloaded FM WhatsApp APK.
  • Double-click the APK file or drag and drop it into the Bluestacks interface to install it.

Set Up FM WhatsApp:

  • After installation, open FM WhatsApp within Bluestacks.
  • Register with your phone number and follow the verification process.

Enjoy FM WhatsApp:

You can now use FM WhatsApp on your PC, benefiting from its extensive features.

Key Features of FM WhatsApp for PC

  • Send Large Video Files: Share videos without size limitations.
  • Rich Emoji Collection: Express yourself with a variety of emojis.
  • Extended Group Capacity: Increase the number of group members.
  • Bulk Image Sharing: Send multiple images simultaneously.
  • File Format Support: Send various file types without restrictions.
  • Privacy Options: Enhanced privacy settings for a secure experience.
  • High-Quality Data Transmission: Maintain data quality when sending files.
  • Custom Themes: Personalize your chat with theme mods.
  • Audio and Video Calls: Make high-quality calls.
  • Status Download: Download and share statuses with ease.
  • Backup and Restore: Keep your data safe with backup and restore options.

Frequently Asked Questions

No, using FM WhatsApp on an emulator should not lead to a ban. Many users, including our friends, use it without issues.

Yes, you can use FM WhatsApp on both devices at the same time without any problems.

FM WhatsApp is safe to use as long as you keep it updated with the latest version.

You can run WhatsApp on a PC using an emulator like Bluestacks, even if you don’t have a smartphone.


Using FM WhatsApp on your PC can greatly enhance your messaging experience. Ensure you always download the latest version of the app and use a reliable emulator to avoid performance issues. Enjoy the added features and conveniences of FM WhatsApp on a larger screen.

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